Research process

We conduct the doctoral studies in four steps:

  • 1. Admission at Kairos University, facilitated through IBR
  • 2. Creating a research proposal based on researchers' own innovative ideas
  • 3. Conducting the research
  • 4. Defending the doctoral dissertation and writing one scientific article appreciating the innovative value of the research outcomes



Step 1: Admission at Kairos University

  • Candidates fulfill all requirements stipulated by Kairos University for the Kairos PhD. IBR facilitates the process of admission at Kairos University.
  • Candidates have identified a potential research problem, which seems feasible and viable to tackle
  • Typically, they have three years working experience after having received a master’s degree
  • They have uploaded the required admission documents for Kairos Universitiy to the IBR website



Step 2: Creating a Research Proposal

The purpose of creating a research proposal is to listen objectively to researchers first and assist them in shaping innovative ideas. IBR adapts the development of the research proposal to each individual researcher with one-on-one meetings and academic deliberations in group settings via web-conferencing.

The outcomes include an approved research proposal and a theoretical foundation within the context of human flourishing in appreciating anticipated research value in the format of an official publication. At the end of step 2, doctoral researchers are well prepared to meet their appointed research mentors of Kairos University and start the research process.



Step 3: Conducting research

Together with their research mentors, doctoral researchers agree on a workplan and contact frequencies. This workplan will be revised as the research project proceeds. The workplan also includes group meetings with other researchers via TEAMS.

To facilitate the research project, the university‘s research mentors are approachable, responsible, and available. They regularly offer quality feedback, and support researchers. In this process it is important that the researchers take the initiative. It is their project, and it starts with them. If things are not going well, researchers contact their personal mentors without delay

Step 3 concludes with the submission the doctoral thesis for proof reading, a technical requirement evaluation and a quality check and the sign-off followed by formal submission for examination.



Step 4: Final Defence and Scientific Publication

Doctoral researchers register for a final examination consisting of a third-party external examiner evaluation, the evaluation of the personal mentor or faculty mentor, the presentation of research in a formal colloquium, and the final sanction by the examination committee.

Following the final examination, doctoral researchers publish an official research paper on research process outcomes, and/or mitigation of the research gap by appreciating generated value within a personal and social context, a scientific and industry specific context, including also possible ethical considerations.